LBI understand that promoting environment awareness among community people is a key to create sustainable development community. Hence, LBI focuses on various community environment actions such as Community Environment Workshop, Environment classes in a community school, environment seminar for sharing 3R concepts and collective community greening actions like Korogocho Greenbelt Movement and Clean-up actions. LBI's main target is empowerment of women and children, core people for sustainable future. This environment training program is a good opportunity for LBI leaders, especially for women leaders, to sharpen their ideas and enhance leadership and community skill for leading to a successful mission.
LBI organizes ‘Korogocho Smart Women Group" for establishing sustainable life style, especially, for single mothers and women infected with HIV under the initiative of LBI Chair, Florence. LBI provides a skill-up training program for women groups in order to improve the process of producing quality products, ensuring their economic status.
LBI in collaboration with Korogocho Medical officers holds the RH seminars to improve women health and prevent HIV rate of infection as well as distribute free HIV check kits.
LBI empowers street children by supporting their education, preventing child labor as well as distributing school stationeries to children, through the management of Amani (Peace)Education Ceter, a local community school, with Head Teacher Michael (LBI board), LBI provides quality education to all the street children in Korogocho. In addition, LBI conducts feeding projects in the school and set up HOPE FUND to encourage them to complete at least high school education.
Environment in Korogoch is very vulnerable. It is a trash-strewn community with bad smell. To change the situation, LBI holds the environment seminars by introducing Japanese Philosophy “Mottanai” to people in Korogocho and coordinates grass-roots clean-up actions, too.
(“Mottainai” is Japanese term conveying a sense of regret concerning waste.)
Planting trees is a simple solution to mitigating climate change with enriching biodiversity. Trees absorb CO2, reduce soil erosion, produce life-giving oxygen, provide habitat for wildlife, and are a legacy for future generation. Under the patronage of Nobel Peace Prize Laureate. Professor Wangari Maathai, the billion tree campaign is raising awareness of the interdependence of humankind and the planet's ecosystems, as well as the links between tree planting and climate change mitigation, the restoration of biodiversity, air and soil quality, and food security.
"When we plant trees, we plant the seeds of peace and seeds of hope."
Professor Wangari Maathai, founder of the Green Belt Movement and 2004 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate.
LBI opens more than 10 times of Environment seminar for encouraging community people to promote sustainable environment movement in Korogocho and grows up Community Environment Workers (CEWs) with over 100 community participants at each time in collaboration with NGO African Children Education Fund (ACEF). The seminar focus on the measure to promote understanding of organic environment components, sustainable waste management and organic compost by recycling household garbage.
※"Mottainai" is an ancient term from Japan that means to have respect for the resources around you, to not waste resources, and to use them with a sense of gratitude. The concept is closely associated with the conservation practices that people most commonly recognize as the three R's - reduce, reuse, recycle - with a fourth R for respect. In Kenya, the Mottainai campaign was initiated by Professor Maathai to eliminate waste plastic from littering the natural environment. GBM's campaign has successfully influenced government policy changes against the production and use of very thin plastic materials that are un-recyclable.
LBI targets at educating and growing up around 40 CEWs for this year with the concept of "Think Globally, Act Locally" in collaboration with Kenya Organic Agriculture Network (KOAN). CEWs are supposed to play a vital role of community environment projects. In the session, around 30 CEWs join it and share the environment concept and Korogocho Greenbelt movement action. Environment is a core for changing community life style in informal sectors like slum as a powerful tool. To create a sustainable community for future generation, LBI is working with CEWs.
Clean up actions is a basic method for collective community actions for enhancing environment awareness among community people. LBI coordinates and implements clean-up actions with community people to mitigate air, soil and water pollution by mismanagement of waste cycle in Korogocho.
LBI is promoting environment education at a community school in Korogocho. This is a joint program for Amani Education Center and Big Pen Academy. Teacher Michael, a head teacher of Amani Education Center and LBI Board, is initiating this project.
The main topics;
1. 4R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Respect) for sustainable community.
2. Prof. Wangari Maathai's achievement and "Mottainai"
3. Korogocho Greenbelt Movement (KGBM)
LBI is collaborating with Koch FM (the first community radio program in Kenya) shares valuable information about quality of life with people. Ezra, LBI board, is a Koch FM coordinator.
LBI shortens the distance between Kenya and Japan through cultural exchange events and charity actions. LBI makes Africa closer to international society.
LBI opens the seminar for understanding African situation. On 28th of August, 2016, LBI managed TICAD VI official side event on "Strengthening resilience of African community for sustainable development" in collaboration with UNEP, Red Cross and JICA in Nairobi. In June, 2015, LBI held the seminar of "Issues of Sustainable Development in Kenya from Peace and Environment Perspective" with Prof. Mungai from University of Nairobi and Mr. Kobayashi from Keio University at United Nations University supported by Embassy of the republic of Kenya.
LBI create good practices by building the bridge between people in Tohoku disaster areas in Japan and people in Korogocho through sharing experience, knowledge and ideas on community development in both areas.
(Tohoku region in Japan got critical damage by the worst earthquakein March, 2011.)