“Enhancing resiliency of the slum community in Africa for sustainable development”
Venue: Sarova Panafric Hotel in Nairobi, Simba room.
Time&Date : 28th of August, from 15:30 to 17:00
TICAD6 is a valuable momentum for discussion the issues of Africa development and the future perspective with multi stakeholders from various sectors. Through the tangible and practical
discussion with practitioners from various development agents such as UN, the government of Kenya and International NGOs based on NGO LBI’s grass roots actions, the seminar contribute to
share the issues on the community resilience of African society among public and develop the civil society in Africa.
Despite the fact that Africa is one of the region’s most vulnerable and least resilient to environment security, which continue to be exposed to be high risk of poverty, climate change, rapid
urbanization, and structural transformation, it failed to show almost drastic progress (UNISDR, 2015). The context of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) on environment security is the main stream
of international society based on Sendai Framework that was adopted in March 2015 for contributing to build resilient community in Africa.
Guest Speaker: Mr. Masaaki Kato (JICA Senior Special Advisor)
Opening Greeting: Mr. Go Takahashi (Founder of NGO Little Bees International)
Moderator:Dr. Philemon Kiprono(Senior Economist, the government of Kenya)
Mr. Brian Waswala (UNEP)
Ms. Safia Verjee (Kenya Red Cross Program Manager)
Dr. Stephen Gigi(SDG Consultant / the former water specialist of Columbia Global Center)
Dr. Shukria Dini (Somali Women’s Studies Center Founder / Honorable Guest of the government of Japan for World Assembly for Women in Tokyo 2014)
Mr. Ahmed ・M・Abdi (Rainwater Association of Somalia CEO)
Mr. Katsumi Arakawa (NGO Sidiafuraha)
Ms. Florence Olum & Mr. Michael Otwera (NGO Little Bees International)